Whether you are a lender who includes GAP agreements in your portfolio of financial protection choices for your customers … an insurance company that provides backing to a lender offering such products … or a company that provides the necessary administrative support for GAP programs, the Guaranteed Asset Protection Alliance can be one of your most important partners.

Once you are a member, you gain exclusive access to our Legislative Library. This Library includes extensive and easily searchable information about regulatory materials, copies of legislation, legislative summaries and case law – an invaluable resource that helps our members stay informed and up to date on issues affecting their business.

Other member benefits include:

  • Lobbying – Skilled advocacy before legislative bodies and regulatory agencies in all 50 states, weighing in with our expertise with top executive and legislative leaders regarding issues of policy and compliance.
  • Legislative Tracking – Electronic monitoring of legislation that may be aimed at regulating your company or your products.
  • Legal Services – In our capacity as General Counsel to the Alliance, we review and report on relevant case law, administrative opinions and other regulatory guidance documents affecting member companies.
  • Alliance Management – Day-to-day management of the affairs of the Alliance include planning and hosting teleconferences or special meetings; serving as custodian of Alliance funds; handling the invoicing and collection of dues and special assessments; and maintaining the Alliance website.
  • Information Services – Through our legislative and regulatory tracking efforts, we post summaries outlining key features of relevant legislation, new administrative bulletins or regulatory opinions that affect our members, and other newsworthy items. This information is made available only to members through a password-protected component of our website.

If you have questions about GAPA membership, please contact Tom Keepers at moc.imapp@mot or 608-848-4484.

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